Florence Nightingale Axonometrics:
The 18 considered axonometrics for Nightingale illustrate her quote
"She said the object and color in the materials around us actually have a physical effect on us, on how we feel.".
This is achieved by creating three rectangular prisms, aligned in a carefully considered way so that as one progresses through these architectural spaces, a certain ambience is felt, as the quality of light and the quality of the space (height, width, depth) changes.

Charles Darwin Axonometrics
Darwins axonometrics are reflective of his chosen quote
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."
In contrast to Nightingale's spaces, Darwin's portray rectangular prisms of varying forms which intersect and protrude to illustrate his theory of 'change'.

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